Thursday, October 6, 2011


            Last week in class we talked about how artist use the body in their artwork.  The body can be used in countless ways in an artist works, and there is something about seeing a body that makes a work extremely relatable to the viewer.  I enjoy immensely photographing the human form.  There is something very intriguing about stopping and taking a longer and harder look at the body.  It is something that we look and work with everyday.  It is out of mind most of the time, but when you stop and think about it you can be astonished by it. 
            Lately my work, namely for my senior thesis, has been focusing on the face.  My work has to do with the section in the book call the body as beautiful.  In my work I have been photographing people holding a magazine cut out of a model from a cosmetics in front of their own face.  I am putting the “ideal” right on top of the real.  It is almost as if it is the persons facial feature, though you can tell that it is not real.  My work makes people question ideal body images.  It also gets at the subject in the photographs insecurities about their image when compared to the media created image. 

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